
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Naked Blog Tour, Review, and Giveaway!


Author: Stacey Trombley
Average Rating: 4.15/5.0
Personal Rating: 4.0/5.0
Page Count: 304
Publisher: Entangled Teen 
Release Date: 7 July 2015

According to Goodreads...

A teenage prostitute looking for redemption must face her secrets before they destroy her... When tough teenager Anna ran away to New York, she never knew how bad things would get. After surviving as a prostitute, a terrifying incident leaves her damaged inside and out, and she returns home to the parents she was sure wouldn't want her anymore. Now she has a chance to be normal again. Back in school, she meets a boy who seems too good to be true. Cute, kind, trusting. But what will he do when he finds out the truth about her past? And when a dark figure from New York comes looking for Anna, she realizes she must face her secrets...before they destroy her.

Purchase Links...

My Opinion...

I received an ebook copy to review through YA Bound Book Tours via NetGalley, but in no way am I being compensated. 

One thing I enjoy doing while I'm reading a book is trying to find the connections between the title and cover of the book to the actual story line. Why do authors use the titles they do? Why did they choose that particular image for the cover? Every time I find that connection, I always have that ah ha! moment. The connection to the cover/title of Naked to the message of the story was breathtaking and inspiring. 

Naked follows a 16 year old prostitute as she receives a second chance at a normal life. She ran away from home, because she felt too confined and wanted to show the world her true self...not the girl who her parents wanted her to be. She runs away to New York in hopes of finding a job that involves singing and/or acting, but nothing in life comes that easy. Instead, she is beaten and taken advantage of by a stranger. Luis finds her and takes her in. Over the next couple of months Anna falls deeper in love with him as he showers her with adventures, food, and materialistic items. Then one night that changes, and she soon finds herself spiraling down into teenage prostitution. But Luis still loves her, right? He wouldn't do anything to harm her, right? 

Naked is Trombley's debut novel, and she hit the bulls eye right in the middle. She took a difficult topic that, to be honest with you all, I didn't know too much about. Of course, I have heard news reports and read articles for school, but nothing about the emotions and the struggles after they are able to get away from the evil and corruption that every town, city, and state has. For the lucky individuals to be reunited with family who have been looking for them there comes struggles on the family members' sides as well. We saw both sides of the struggles in Naked, which I felt gave the book a more rounded dynamic. We experienced fear, shame, guilt, and anger. I enjoyed watching Anna's mom grow in confidence to be the mother she was always meant to be and to stand up to her husband. Anna's father was a great example on how the way an individual was raised can impact how they raise and interact their family they create, which can be either positive or a negative.

Are you wondering why I made such a great deal about the cover? The connection between the message and cover/title came towards the end of the book at the perfect time. We all have something we regret. We all have secrets. We all are naked when those secrets, regrets, and mistakes are exposed. Speaking for myself, I don't like being exposed. It makes me feel vulnerable, and I am someone who isn't the most confident of people but when I need to be I can be confident. So, it hurts and deflates me when someone sees the imperfections I have. When those imperfections of anyone are seen, we feel alone. Like everyone is staring at us. Secrets and regrets weigh us down. It is okay to be open with the dark aspects about ourselves. You learn who you can trust during those difficult times, and you create a better notion of who you are as an individual. 

I'm highly impressed by Trombley's debut novel, Naked. It has a powerful message that everyone should read. A raw and hard topic to read about, yet so beautiful to experience along side Anna as she finds her "normal" again. 

Meet the Author...

Stacey Trombley lives in Ohio with her husband and the sweetest Rottweiler you’ll ever meet. She thinks people are fascinating and any chance she has, she’s off doing or learning something new. She went on her first mission trip to Haiti at age twelve and is still dying to go back. Her “places to travel” list is almost as long as her “books to read” list.  She wants to bring something new to the world through her writing, but just giving a little piece of herself is more than enough.  Keep a look out for her debut novel NAKED, coming from Entangled Teen in 2015

Author Links...

Giveaway Time!



  1. This sounds super intense. I'm very interested in this one!

    1. It is definitely an intense and daring read. It really zeros in on the struggles that are faced when reunited with family or when help is extended out to them. If you end up reading it someday, I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for visiting :)

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by!
