
Friday, July 3, 2015

The Choice Review and Blog Tour!

The Choice 

Author: Allison J. Kennedy 
Average Rating: 4.35/5.0
Personal Rating: 5.0/5.0
Page Count: 170
Publisher: Booktrope
Release Date: 23 May 2015

According to Goodreads...

How do you heal from your past when you're still trapped within it?

I lost myself the night of the party. Just like that, my innocence and my sanity were torn away.

I would like to say that time heals all wounds, but it doesn't. And I would like to say that falling in love is what rescued me, but it wasn't. Nobody told me what to expect in the coming days and weeks and months after conceiving a rapist's child. Years later, my wounds are still just as fresh as the night they were made. It would be so easy to disappear and allow the memories to consume me.

But that's the choice, isn't it? To live instead.
**This book contains rape triggers. Discretion is advised.

Purchase Links...

My Opinion...

I received an ebook copy via NetGalley from the publisher for an honest review, but in no way am I being compensated for my honest opinion. 

I just want to say that this has easily become one of my top reads of 2015. The Choice is beautifully written, and so powerful with its message. My interpretation of the message (every book has a different message for each of its readers) is that time heals everything. Life can be cruel and cold, but with time events can be reflected upon and a sense of peace can be created. Most of the time we think time is working against us, because we never know what tomorrow will bring. Time has lost our appreciation when really it deserves our utmost respect. Has anyone heard of the saying, "Time heals all wounds?" I have no idea who said it, but whoever said it was right. The time might be two days, a few months, or 10 years, but there will come a day when the past can be let go. I read The Choice from start to finish in one seating, and it left me sitting in stunned silence. I was exhausted after I read this book in the best possible way ever! Kennedy takes your emotions on one hell of a ride called reality. 

The Choice is a story about a 17 year old girl, May, who is raped and conceives the rapist's child. She keeps the rape a secret, and tries to process through the emotions she is feeling by herself. Then she struggles with whether or not she should abort her unborn child. Kennedy tackles two tough and emotional topics, and does so tactfully. She shows no favor to either side of each topic, if anything she includes every side. 

I loved the style The Choice was written in. Throughout the book, May in present day reflects on how she is now, and then reflects on what happened when she was raped and the days that followed.  This particular formatting allows us to see where she starts with all the emotions and years later how she has grown and healed. 

To be honest with you guys, this review isn't giving any justice to this book. The book drips with raw emotions. You feel May's pains and struggles. You will shed tears and your heart will be jerked in all different directions. When you finally start thinking that everything will be okay something else is thrown into the pot causing everything to go wrong again. The Choice covers difficult and controversial topics, but I encourage you to choose to read this book. Kennedy's writing walks you side by side with May, and makes you wish you could actually be there for her in real life. 

Meet the Author...

Allison was born and raised in the mountains of Oregon, birthed of the crisp, clean air and rainy forests. She now resides in Oklahoma City, though she is still thoroughly attached to her home and finds much inspiration for her stories whenever she has a chance to return. As the spouse of a police officer and a full-time photographer, she is on her toes 24/7. 


  1. Wow, thank you for this amazing review! You have no idea how much your words picked me up today. I am honored to have a place on your blog!

    Sincerely, Allison

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! That means so much to me that I brought some brightness to your day! Thank you for writing The Choice, and allowing me the opportunity to write a review. That was definitely an honor! The Choice will have a large impact on many.

      Thank you for visiting, Allison!

  2. I think I might read this! Sounds very interesting! :)

    Yousra | Mystic Tales

    1. It's a spectacular read! If you do end up reading it someday, I hope you enjoy it :)

  3. Great review! I hadn't come across this book before but it sounds really intriguing. I want to read it now! :)

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you want to read it! It's a heartfelt/emotional read, so make sure you are in the mood for a tearjerker!
