
Friday, July 10, 2015

Feature and Follow (#7)

Happy Friday everyone!

Thank you to Parajunkee and Allison Can Read for hosting Feature and Follow every week! The goal of the Feature and Follow is to meet new bloggers in the world of book blogging and earn some new followers :)

The awesome thing about this feature is that when you follow me I will follow you, and vice versa.  I want to know a couple of things before you leave my little corner. First, let me know if you are a new or old follower. I want to get to know all of you who take the time to visit my blog. Second, I know I mentioned above to either follow me on Bloglovin or Email, but feel free to follow me on Twitter, Google+, and I'm now on Facebook and Instagram. You can follow me on one or all of them, just let me know where you followed me :)  I lied, one last thing, make sure you leave your link so I can come visit :) I look forward to reading all of your blogs!

This Week's Question Is...

You can only eat once cuisine type for the rest of your life. Which would you choose? (E.g. Italian, French, Greek, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, etc...) Question asked by Journey Through Fiction

Hands down, Italian. If I could and if it wouldn't make my life span shorter I would only eat Italian food. I am of Italian ancestry, and love anything that is even slightly Italian. 

What is your favorite cuisine that you would spend the rest of your life eating? 


  1. Yay Italian! I chose this too! Love pasta! And bread! And pizza! And bread!! LOL!

    Yeah, when I answered this question, I was thinking it's also a magical world where you won't gain weight should your cuisine not be the healthiest of sorts! ;)

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I could survive on bread and butter alone. I don't know what it is about that combination, but I am in love with it. I could live off of on pasta alone as well. That magical world we are both talking about needs to become a realistic thing and quick!

  2. I chose Italian too! I couldn't live without my pasta and pizza. I'm an old bloglovin' follower. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Go Italian!!! Neither could I! Thank you for visiting!

  3. Yes I also choose Italian I just love love there pastas and soup. New follower on Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin and Google+. Here is my #FF

    1. Italian cuisine has so many different options of food you could get. There's literally something for everyone. You don't like this particular cheese? Well her's 60 other options. You don't like this type of sausage? Well here's 20 other options. Thank you so much for following!!

  4. I love italian too. A lot of people are settling on italian too. I think it's universally adored by everyone. :-) Old follower!

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress

    1. I agree! I have been seeing a lot of people choosing Italian cuisine, which of course makes me happy! lol :) Welcome back!

  5. I picked Italian too! I can't get enough pasta!!!! LOL! Bloglovin' follower! :)

    1. Gosh, neither can I!!!!! I could eat it everyday for lunch and dinner, and not get bored with it. Thank you for visiting!
