
Friday, June 5, 2015

The Broken Hearts’ Society of Suite 17C by LeighAnn Kopans Blog Tour

The Broken Hearts' Society of Suite 17C 

Author: LeighAnn Kopans
Genre: Upper YA/lower NA contemporary romance
Page Count: 318

According to Goodreads:

Friends don’t let friends make the same horrible relationship mistakes twice. 

Rion, Amy, and Arielle, the three occupants of first-year dorm Harrison Tower’s Suite 17C have never met before the first day of school, but they soon discover they have one thing in common – being on the wrong end of an epically awful breakup. 

Heartbreak sucks, especially when the girls should have seen the trouble coming from a mile away. But there’s no better time than the beginning of college to take charge of your own love life, and nobody better than a roommate to keep you accountable. Over ice cream and pizza their first week, the girls vow never again to date anyone like the assholes who ripped their hearts out and smeared them across the quad. 

And that’s how the Broken Hearts’ Society of Suite 17C is born.

Now, if only Crash, the tattooed, pierced, and probably stoned guy who works at Rion’s newest job, wasn’t so damn sexy and sweet…

If only Matt, the thoughtful and driven pastor’s kid, would quit being so okay with just being Amy’s friend…

If only Lauren, the innocent small-town girl with her own set of issues, would stop finishing Arielle’s sentences and invading her dreams…

it would be a lot easier for the girls to keep their promises to the Society and to themselves.

If only.

Meet the Author!

Raised on comic books and classic novels, LeighAnn developed an early love of science fiction and great literature. As an adult, she rediscovered her love for not only reading, but also writing the types of fiction that enchanted her as a teen. Her novels are packed full of flights of fancy, first loves, unexpected friendships, and all the other things that make self-discovery stories so fun to tell.
 LeighAnn, her husband, and four children live in Columbus, Ohio. When she’s not immersed in the world of fiction, you can find her with her nose buried in her Kindle, obsessing over the latest superhero movie, or using her kids as an excuse to go out for ice cream (again).
Twitter: @LeighAnnKopans
Purchase Links


  1. Aw, this book sounds really cute! It's not necessarily my usual thing, but it definitely sounds like a good, light-hearted summer read. :)

    1. I have read the first 5 or so chapters, and I'm liking it so far. There's a lot of swearing, but it's appropriate for the character..if that's a thing.

  2. This book looks super cute and I definitely want to pick it up. It sounds like a good summer read!
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

    1. I've been thinking the same thing as I have been reading it!
