
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Feature and Follow (#2)


Happy Friday everyone!

Parajunkee and Allison Can Read are the two hosts of Feature and Follow. The goal of the Feature and Follow is to meet new bloggers in the world of book blogging and earn some new followers :)

The awesome thing about this feature is that when you follow me I will follow you, and vice versa.  I want to know a couple of things before you leave my little corner. First, let me know if you are a new or old follower. I want to get to know all of you who take the time to visit my blog. Second, I know I mentioned above to either follow me on bloglovin or email, but feel free to follow me on Twitter, Google+, and I'm now on Facebook. You can follow me on one or all of them, just let me know where you followed me :)  I lied, one last thing, make sure you leave your link so I can come visit :) I look forward to reading all of your blogs!

This Week's Question Is...

How would you pitch to the biz to make your favorite book into a movie? Question was asked by Girl of 1000 Wonders 

Well, my favorite trilogy (Divergent trilogy) has and is already being made into movies so I can't choose those. I just finished reading Modern Monsters by Kelley York, and I would love to see that one hit the big screen some day. It focuses around a rape, but it's told from the perspective of the boy who was falsely accused of raping the girl. I would pitch that it would bring a new perspective and more awareness to the consequences that occur when a rape takes place. It's a touchy and raw subject, but a must read/possible see. 


  1. THAT is an intense storyline for a movie or book; will def look it up! Here's mine:

    New bloglovin' follower

    1. It is so intense that I don't have the words to describe how intense it is.

      Thank you for the follow!

  2. I havent read this book but it sure is an intense topic and a carefully made movie would do wonders, educating people..Grt pick! :)

    New Bloglovin follower

    -Njkinny @

    1. Key word there would be educating. I wouldn't want the director to make the topic "beautiful" or whatever Hollywood does in order to make more money off the movie.

      Thank you!!

  3. My FF:

    New Follower

  4. That definitely sounds like it would be an intense movie! I do love how they're doing the Divergent ones so far at least! I'm wondering how they'll handle Allegiant! I'm actually afraid of them doing a different ending. I had no qualms about its ending. It was emotional, true, but I wouldn't change it.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know right?! I would be afraid of what kind of liberties the director would take to make it more "sensational." I have only seen Divergent, because I wasn't feeling so sure about the casting of Shaliene Woodley for the role of Tris. However, I was pleasantly surprised. I still need to watch Insurgent. Isn't in two parts? Or is that Allegiant?

      Always a pleasure to chit chat with you!

  5. I loved Divergent! Your book to movie pitch sounds intriguing. Thanks for visiting my blog. Followed you back on Bloglovin' :)

    1. I LOVED the whole trilogy! Oh, well thank you! I'm not much of a pitcher, but I believe that book would make a great movie or maybe even documentary. Of course! Thank you so much!

  6. Oh yeah that would make an intense story, one you'd have to watch without interruption too.
    I'm a new bloglovin follower.

    1. Definitely! That was how I felt while I was reading. I couldn't put it down, and when I had to stop to do go somewhere or do something it hurt so bad.

      Thank you!!

  7. Interesting answer. I’ve never heard of that book. I’m a new Bloglovin’ follower.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's a fairly new book out on the market. I would highly recommend it. Thank you for the follow!

  8. I've never heard of the book but I will have to check it out. I also loved Divergent, I'm just worried about how they are going to handle Allegiant.

    I'm a new follower, I followed you on bloglovin', twitter, and liked on Facebook.

    Tina, The Bookworm

    1. I highly recommend it! I wouldn't necessarily say it's a tear-jerker, but you will feel the how raw the emotions are the characters are experiencing. I have been hearing that quite a lot lately about Allegiant. I have to still watch Insurgent, but I what I saw in Divergent I'm excited. I can see how they could mess up Allegiant though so I'm nervous as well.

      Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :)

  9. I didn't really like Divergent, but I was really dystopian'd out when I read it. New follower!

    1. That's understandable! We went through a period of time where it seemed like every book on the shelf was some shape or size of dystopia. Maybe some day you will give it another try. Have you seen any of the movies? Thank you!

  10. I haven't heard of this book but I might check it out. It sounds really touching and eye-opening. I enjoy books that deal with heavy topics, so long as they're done well. Great answer!

    My FF!

    1. I think you will find that Modern Monsters is done well. I'm constantly thinking about the whole story, especially the ending. Thank you!

  11. This would definitely be a very emotional movie! I don't think I'd read this book, or see the movie, if it were ever made, but this is certainly a topic that needs to be explored from several angles.

    Thanks so much for commenting on my FF post, and for following my blog! I'm now following you on Bloglovin' and Twitter!! : )

    1. I couldn't agree more about it being a topic that needs to be explored from several different perspectives instead of just one.

      You are so very welcome! Thank you for following me!

  12. I'm also following you on Google +!! : )
