
Monday, March 2, 2015

What Will I Be Reading This Week? 3/2/15 - 3/8/15

It's Monday!!! A fresh start to the next seven days where anything can happen. A little daunting, right? We all groan when Mondays come along, because once Sunday night hits we begin mindlessly thinking up lists of things that we have to do this week. We have to exercise. We have to buy groceries. We have to  complete five hours of homework for the next five nights. The list goes on. BUT. The one great thing about Mondays is that we are given the opportunity to plan out our reading goals for the week. Shall we begin?

I am currently reading All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. I'm only a 100 pages in, but I am loving it! Finch and Violet's friendship is just beginning to develop, and just the humor that Niven uses oh my goodness.

Once I finish All the Bright Places, I will move on to finishing Four Rubbings by Jennifer Hotes. Basically, a group of friends go rub gravestones on Halloween night for fun. They keep the rubbings, but soon after strange things begin occurring. Parents start acting weird about the rubbings, but there's something that keep the kids determined to find the meaning behind one of the rubbings. I'm also about a 100 pages into this novel as well. I'm liking it so far, but I am really interested in delving deeper into why one specific gravestone rubbing is so mysterious. 

I honestly do not know too much about this novel, except it's a romance that takes place in 1943 as the main character searches for her brother who is labeled MIA. I am a sucker for historical fiction, especially when they are centered around a war...I know that's morbid. Hopefully, I will be able to start and finish The Secret of Raven Point by Jennifer Vanderbes before the week is up!

I just noticed that all three books that I am going to be reading are written by authors with Jennifer as their first name. I have a pretty busy week, so I don't want to set my sights too high with reading. I hope everyone has a great week, and feel free to share with me what you'll be reading this week!

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