
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Ultimate Book Tag

The Ultimate Book Tag

I came across this tag at the belle lumiere blog.

1. What are you reading right now?

I am currently reading All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven and Four Rubbings by Jennifer Hotes. Both are amazing! I hope I am not jinxing myself, because I have been on a run of reading really good books lately. 

2. Do you have any idea what you'll read when you're done with that?

After I finish those two I will probably pick up The Secret of Raven Point by Jennifer Vanderbes. Some of the titles I requested on NetGalley have been accepted, so I might pick up one of those reads. So many choices!

3. What five books have you always wanted to read but haven't gotten round to?

The five books I want to read but haven't taken the time are:
  • Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
  • Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
  • Blankets by Craig Thompson
  • The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler
  • The Archived by Victoria Schwab
4. What magazines do you have in your bathroom/lounge right now?

None. The magazines I do keep up with though are Seventeen, TeenVogue, and InStyle. 

5. What's the worst book you've ever read?

I would say The Night Children by Kit Reed. That was definitely a book that I struggled to finish. I wouldn't be able to tell you now my reasoning for giving that novel one star. I just remember it being a struggle.  

6. What book seemed really popular, but you didn't like?

The first one that comes to mind is Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. Everyone who I talked to about it seemed to love it, especially as the series went on. I felt like I was missing something, because I was thinking the opposite of amazing. I will say the book had it's moments, but nothing that made me want to finish the trilogy. 

7. What's the one book you always recommend to just about everyone?

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Done. 

8. What are your three favorite poems?

   Close your eyes my little one,
    Close your eyes and dream,
    You can be anyone,
    Anyone you dream.
    You can go anywhere,
     Do anything,
     Be anyone,
     Just close your eyes
     And dream your dream... 
~ Unknown ~

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face. 
May the rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, 
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. 
~Irish Parting Poem~

If there is ever a tomorrow that we are not together,
there is one thing you should always remember.
You are braver than you believe.
Stronger than you seem, 
And smarter than you think. 
But the most important thing is,
Even if we're apart I will always be with you in the heart.
~Winnie the Pooh~

9. Where do you usually get your books?

I usually get my books from Barnes & Noble or the library. I'll also occasionally borrow or trade with a friend. 

10. Where do you usually read your books?

I usually read in my room on my bed. If it's warm outside, I enjoy reading on my deck. 

11. When you were little, did you have any particular reading habits?

I would pretend I was teaching a class, so I would read out loud and assign reading assignments. I would also read multiple books at the same time. I would read one chapter from one book, then read one chapter from another book. I have no idea how I kept everything straight in my head. 

12. What's the last thing you stayed up half the night reading, because it was so good you couldn't put it down? 

I would say Allegiant by Veronica Roth, but now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I stayed up late finishing I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson...yeah that one is more recent than Allegiant. 

13. Have you ever "faked" reading a book?

Yes, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. And yes it did blow up in my face. 

14. Have you ever bought a book just because you liked the cover?

You all have heard the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover." I go against that probably at least once per week. I have read a lot of books that have pretty covers but zero plot, and I'm sure I have passed up books with mediocre covers but amazing plot. 

15. What was your favorite book when you were a child?

I'm going to say series instead of book (#rebel). I was (still am) a huge fan of the Nancy Drew series as well as the Babysitter Clubs books that were supposed to be mysteries and scary stories. Those books never got old to me. 

16. What book changed your life?

Hmmm. This one is kind of hard, because I tend to take something away from each book I read, rather that by the overall message or just a quote. It's a tie between The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Tuesdays with Morrie both of which are written by Mitch Albom. The Five People You Meet in Heaven made me realize how we impact the lives of others and vice versa. Tuesdays with Morrie put death in a perspective that I believe a lot of people could view from. Our society looks at death as a taboo, so obviously we know death is there we just decide not to talk about it. 

17. What is your favorite passage from a book?

There's too many to choose from. One thing I have started trying to do is keep a journal of quotes. That's the place where I will put a passage or a quote that stuck out to me. I guess you could also refer to the journal as an inspiration journal. 

18. What are your top five authors?

In no particular order:
  • Sarah Dessen
  • Veronica Roth
  • Mitch Albom
  • Jandy Nelson
  • James Patterson
19. What book has no one heard about but should read?

I know it's no where near Halloween, but I'm going to give a shout-out to Trick or Treat by Richie Tankersley Cusick. This is the one book that I can reread numerous times, and still get scared at the same parts or be as shocked as I was the first time I read it when I found out who the person is behind all the mysterious knocking and phone calls. I want to read more books by Cusick, but I never think about it when I'm looking at what to read next. However, I highly recommend this  novel, especially during October. 

20. What three books are you an "Evangelist" for?
  • Rebecca by Daphane Du Maurier
  • The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
  • Divergent by Veronica Roth (I wanted to say the whole trilogy, but I decided to play by the rules for this question)
21. What are your favorite books by a first time author?

My favorites would include Divergent by Veronica Roth and That Summer by Sarah Dessen. I'm a sucker for all Sarah Dessen's books. I'm stoked to read Saint Anything by her when it's published May. 

22. What is your favorite classic book?

Rebecca Daphne Du Maurier. I swear this is like the fourth time I have used this book for an answer. GO READ IT. 

23. Five other notable mentions?

Oh gosh. Let's see. 
  • Servants of the Storm by Delilah S. Dawson
  • I Shall Be Near to You by Erin Lindsay McCabe (tore my heart out)
  • We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
  • A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (Loved the illustrations by Jim Kay)
  • Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl 
I tag all of you who have stuck it out through this long tag! If you do complete this tag leave a comment below with the link so I can read your answers. Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Hi! This is my first time on your blog but I am also a book lover!! I have read Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell and it is one of the best Romance novels I have read. I recommend reading it ASAP!

    1. Welcome Victoria! I have heard so many great things about Eleanor and Park. I will definitely have to pick it up soon, especially since I haven't read any novels by Rainbow Rowell. Thanks for stopping by!
