
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sleepless Review!

Sleepless (Narrowdale #1)

Author: Michael Omer
Average Rating: 4.09/5.0
Personal Rating: 4.0/5.0
Page Count: 176
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Release Date: 10 January 2015
Genres: Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult

According to Goodreads...

Don’t fall asleep. Don’t dream. Don’t get caught.
Amy knew she’d hate Narrowdale, a boring suburban town. How could it possibly compare to L.A., where she lived her entire life? Being a high school freshman in a new place made things even worse. 

And that was before she started having the same nightmare over and over again. Before she woke up every night to a shrill whistle outside her window. Before she met a homeless man who seemed to know way too much.

Some things seem to happen only in Narrowdale, where dark secrets are hiding beneath the surface…

Purchase Links...

My Opinion...

I received an e-copy through Xpresso Book Tours for review, but in no way was I compensated for my opinion. 

Guys. I found a new favorite that I need to add to my collection of paranormal/thriller/scary/looking over my shoulder books. It's probably been a good hour to hour and a half since I have finished the book, and I am still looking over my shoulder and jumping at the littlest sounds. You know how freaked out I am? I went outside to get the mail, and my neighbor was out and she was all like "hey Meredith! Isn't it a gorgeous day?" and I literally squealed (Yeah, no I won't deny it), grabbed the mail, and ran back inside. 

The way the book started I did not think I would like it so much. Amy, the narrator, just moved to Narrowdale and all she did was complain. She complained about the hot temperatures, the broken air conditioner, her brother, the house being small, how every house looked the same, and on and on and on. What really bugged me was how she treated the two people who were trying to be her friends. Sure, they weren't the coolest of people, but that shouldn't matter when they are the nicest people and the only ones that are welcoming at her new school. 

I think I just needed to get used to the author's writing style, which I ended up loving. You definitely come across funny commentary as well as commentary that is dripping in sarcasm. Amy and I bonded over the fact we both have sarcastic humor. We're best buds now. Mmmhmmm. Anyway, the writing style is super unique, and makes this book what it is. Amy has the same nightmare every night, sometimes even multiple times a not. Someone is following her in the dreams, and she only wakes up when she is overtaken by her pursuer. Throughout the book, we are sent back into the past during her dreams as well as dreams she has during the day that are about a young woman being kidnapped. There is no apparent transition to let us know that we are now entering a dream. Amy will be talking, and then all of sudden we are re-living the nightmare or a new twist to the nightmare. Having no transitions adds to the creepiness and urgency of the story.

Another cool aspect to the book is that there are live links that will take you to Amy's actual blog she writes during the book. There's only a few links, but I thought that was such an awesome way to make the book more interactive. 

Even though the beginning started out a bit tedious, the majority of the book kept me in suspense. I haven't been this scared in a long time, nor had such a feeling of urgency to find out what was going on and why it was happening. I recommend Sleepless to all thriller, paranormal, suspense fans out there who enjoy constantly looking over their shoulder!

Meet the Author...

My name is Michael Omer, and I’m a writer, journalist and game designer. I wrote and published my first novel when I was sixteen, and figured I’d keep at it. Since then, I have published two more novels, and wrote… who can even count how many? I’m happily married to a woman who keeps pushing me to write more, and have three kids who insist I should stop writing and come play with them. I also have two dogs.

Author links...


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