
Monday, June 8, 2015

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella Review!

Finding Audrey

Author: Sophie Kinsella
Average Rating: 3.91/5.0
Personal Rating: 4.0/5.0
Page Count: 288
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Release Date: 9 June 2015

According to Goodreads

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Shopaholic series comes a terrific blend of comedy, romance, and psychological recovery in a contemporary YA novel sure to inspire and entertain.

An anxiety disorder disrupts fourteen-year-old Audrey’s daily life. She has been making slow but steady progress with Dr. Sarah, but when Audrey meets Linus, her brother’s gaming teammate, she is energized. She connects with him. Audrey can talk through her fears with Linus in a way she’s never been able to do with anyone before. As their friendship deepens and her recovery gains momentum, a sweet romantic connection develops, one that helps not just Audrey but also her entire family.

My Opinion:

I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for a review, but in no way does that influence my opinion. 

I haven't read anything by Sophie Kinsella probably since I was in middle school. I fell in love with her Shopaholic novels, and I may slightly blame her for my shopping obsession. When I say blame, I really mean thanking her. I was immediately drawn back into her writing as I began reading Finding Audrey.

I wish I could live a week with Audrey's family. They are one unpredictable, happy family that's for sure. Felix is Audrey's younger brother who provides the comic relief, even though Kinsella's writing is filled with plenty of humor. Frank is Audrey's older brother who is addicted, according to his mother, to gaming. I loved how he was able to make all of his points and win many arguments against his mother. He really needs to become a lawyer! Even though he consumes most of his days playing video games or listening to music, you can still tell that he cares and worries about Audrey. We have arrived to possibly my favorite character of the book: Mom. I can describe her in three words: crazy, loving, present. The first two are simple, but the third word may bring a bit of confusion. She is present in all of her children's lives, whether that be playing with Felix, making sure Audrey is okay and taking her medicine, and trying to show Frank there are other things to do than play video games. Then we have Dad who lives his life with the motto, "Everyone is happy when mom is, so keep her happy!" 

The relationship between Linus and Audrey was sweet and innocent. I was glad to see that the romance didn't become intimate, and if it was Kinsella didn't make a big point to make that known. She kept the focus more on how Linus was helping Audrey overcome her anxiety by giving her challenges while they were together. 

I have a few friends who have anxiety, and I have never really known how to talk to them about it. I never wanted to ask questions, because I didn't want them to feel like a science project or anything. However, I do feel like I got a good glimpse of the thoughts and thinking processes that go on in an individual's head who has anxiety as I read Finding Audrey

Finding Audrey had me laughing and smiling constantly while I was reading. The purpose of the book is not to make anyone cry, so if you are looking for a tear-jerker then this isn't it. I'm not saying this book isn't heart touching, I'm just saying how the book focuses on Audrey's progression of being able to control her anxiety. If you are a fan of anything written by Sophie Kinsella or you just want to read a book that involves anxiety then I highly recommend Finding Audrey. I look forward to reading any future young adult novels written by Sophie Kinsella. Finding Audrey, Kinsella's YA debut, was a success filled with many smiles, laughter, and a sense of hope. 

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  1. I've only seen great reviews of this so far and I absolutely love Kinsella! I'm so glad you liked it! You should definitely try "I've Got Your Number" by her, it's sooooo good. Can't wait to get my hands on "Finding Audrey".

    1. Finding Audrey has received a bunch of great reviews! I tried to stay away from them as much as I could though, so I wouldn't accidentally spoil myself or get to hyped up for it. Kinsella is easily in my top 5 favorite authors. I'll have to remember that in fact, excuse me while I go read about it on Goodreads...oh my gosh I have heard of this one!! I'm kind of on a Kinsella kick now, so maybe I'll just request it from the library. Let me know what you think about it when you read it!

  2. I'm excited to read this one! Thanks for your review! I can't wait to meet Audrey's family! :)

  3. I loved this on too! Claire@ Book Blog Bird

    1. I'm happy to hear that! Every time I think about it I get a smile on my face. Kinsella's writing style will make you do that! hahaha!
