
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Feature and Follow (#4)

Happy Friday everyone!

Parajunkee and Allison Can Read are the two hosts of Feature and Follow. The goal of the Feature and Follow is to meet new bloggers in the world of book blogging and earn some new followers :)

The awesome thing about this feature is that when you follow me I will follow you, and vice versa.  I want to know a couple of things before you leave my little corner. First, let me know if you are a new or old follower. I want to get to know all of you who take the time to visit my blog. Second, I know I mentioned above to either follow me on Bloglovin or Email, but feel free to follow me on Twitter, Google+, and I'm now on Facebook and Instagram. You can follow me on one or all of them, just let me know where you followed me :)  I lied, one last thing, make sure you leave your link so I can come visit :) I look forward to reading all of your blogs!

This Week's Question Is...

If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be? Or if you have a tattoo, share a picture and its meaning. Question was asked by Second Run Reviews

I'm going to be quite honest with all of you and admit that I couldn't commit to a tattoo. Even if I could I would probably get something cliche like an infinity sign (no offense to anyone who may have one. I find them to be quite beautiful in their simplicity and meaning). I have several friends who want to get tattoos, and the meanings behind them are all so powerful, but for me I wouldn't remember/cherish/motivate myself by getting a tattoo. I do want to get a Lokai bracelet that has water from the highest elevation and water from the lowest elevation in one bead on each end. They are supposed to symbolize your journey from your lowest points to highest points in your life. I won't get a tattoo, but I do want my cartilage pierced. Now you're sitting there probably going, "Meredith, what's the big deal about that?" If you only knew my parents. *sigh* I love them, but they don't see the need of having another hole in my ear. So, you can only imagine how a tattoo would go over with them. 

If you have a tattoo in mind that means a lot to you then go for it. I have heard it hurts A LOT, and in some places it'll stretch and fade. You do you though :)


  1. I have 5 tattoos, and I am looking for another. They all have meanings for me, mostly to do with my family, so I know I'll always treasure the moments they mark. But you're right it is hard to commit to! Here's mine

    1. More power to you! If they make you happy and has meaning behind them is special to you then go for it! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I couldn't ever commit to a tattoo either, I think I'd be sick of it too quick and want it gone. LOL
    I'm an old bloglovin follower.
    Here's my FF:

    1. Literally same! What if at the time I think a seashell would be awesome to have but then like two months later I might not like it. My other fear is that the tattooist will mess up on accident. Welcome back!

  3. I only have one tattoo and it does fade. The other tattoos I have planned out mean a lot to me like something with my kids that I can commit to especially since I'm already committed to them for life lol.

    Old Follower Tina, The Bookworm

    1. When you get those tattoos they are going to have so much meaning and value behind them!

      Welcome back :)

  4. Yeah, I will likely never get a tattoo either. I hate needles. Like really really hate! But the cartilage? Ow! My sister, who also has 3 little tattoos, did that in her younger days. Said it hurt like hell. Along with the tattoo on her foot! LOL! I think she let that one close up now though. Or some odd years ago!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I've heard it hurts A LOT too even a couple weeks after you get it done, especially if you sleep on that side. That makes me nervous, but I love the look of them and it would most likely be last piercing. That's the thing about piercings I love. They will close up with time, but tattoos just stay there fading, looking at you. lol :)

      Thanks for stopping by!!

  5. That sounds great! Here's my FF:

    Old Follower

  6. I'm almost 38 and I still have my cartilage piercing in my ear from college. :) Love it. I'll be an old lady with it still in. New follower!

    1. That is so cool! I love the look of pierced cartilage! I'll most likely just keep a stud in there so like nothing in your face. I'm a simple person, what can I say? When I get my done, I hope to keep it forever! Thank you for the follow and visiting!

  7. I don't have it but from what I've heard, it hurts a lot. I like your idea though getting a bracelet!
    New bloglovin' follower.
    Check out My FF

    1. Getting your cartilage pierced or getting a tattoo? I guess, it doesn't really matter since they both hurt so unbelievably much! lol! I love the symbolism behind the bracelet! I'm into inspiration/motivation stuff like that :)

      Thank you!!

  8. I totally agree with you. Everybody has an infinity sign, but it does look gorgeous. Maybe instead of filling it completely with line, you can have words to finish connecting it. Follow via bloglovin'

    1. That would be a good idea! Oh like forever and for always! Or simply always or simply forever. Thank you for the follow!

  9. I really like your idea about a Loki bracelet! Old follower :)

    1. Thank you! I love the message/symbolism behind them. Welcome back :)

  10. Ohh, I had my cartilage pierced twice and had nothing but trouble with them because they were done with a piercing gun rather than a needle and didn't go through all the way the first time. I was like, fourteen, so just wanted it done no matter what. I still regret not getting a proper piercer to do it, because I think they are such pretty piercings, and now it'd be way too painful to re-pierce through the scar tissue. :( It's a great piercing though - looks good on everyone and never goes out of style!

    1. Oh gosh! I don't know if I would have been so determined after the first it went wrong. I give you credit for going through it twice. Did a friend do them or did you go somewhere like Claire's? I got my earlobes pierced at this jewelry store my mom has been a customer at for years. That's how I feel about it! I love how simple and classic a cartilage looks pierced!

  11. The Lokai bracelet sounds awesome! That's a great idea and it's got a real meaning for you. Maybe you can get that eventually, if you are still interested in it after a good amount of time. I'm pretty indecisive but there are a few things that I'd like to commit to with a tattoo. And I don't know how my parents would feel but I don't need to worry about that too much, thank goodness!

    Old follower!
    My FF!

    1. Thank you! I'm into that kind of inspirational/motivational stuff. I definitely want my cartilage pierced. It's just a matter of when. Lol so when I read your last sentence I immediately thought #freedom. I think this is a sign that I have been on twitter way too much to consider healthy.

  12. Now you've got more guts than I do. I'd take a tattoo over cartilege piercing any day. I understand that hurts a lot. My tattoos stung, but didn't hurt too bad. Until I got the one that was supposed to go down over my foot. When they got down on the foot, then it hurt like hell. I understand it's because the skin is so tough there on the foot that they have to keep going over and over it and digging deeper. Otherwise, if you pick a good spot, they're not too bad.

    1. Oh gosh, I think I would take the cartilage piercing before the tattoo. At least with the piercing it's just a piercing gun or a need going through your ear one time. Tattoos they go over and over your skin. I have heard the foot is literally the worst place to get tattoo. I think it's more a commitment and making the decision than the pain. The pain will go away, but whatever is left over from it like the tattoo I would have to deal with the rest of my life, so I want to make sure I really want it if I ever get one.
