
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Feature and Follow (#3)

Happy Friday everyone!

Parajunkee and Allison Can Read are the two hosts of Feature and Follow. The goal of the Feature and Follow is to meet new bloggers in the world of book blogging and earn some new followers :)

The awesome thing about this feature is that when you follow me I will follow you, and vice versa.  I want to know a couple of things before you leave my little corner. First, let me know if you are a new or old follower. I want to get to know all of you who take the time to visit my blog. Second, I know I mentioned above to either follow me on Bloglovin or Email, but feel free to follow me on Twitter, Google+, and I'm now on Facebook and Instagram. You can follow me on one or all of them, just let me know where you followed me :)  I lied, one last thing, make sure you leave your link so I can come visit :) I look forward to reading all of your blogs!

This Week's Question Is...

If you can step into one characters shoes (in a book) and be them for a day who would it be and why?Also if you want to be creative what scene? Question was asked by Seeing Night Book Reviews

I would want to be Tris from the Divergent trilogy. Growing up she had to be timid and humble, so it was fun to follow her as she gained courage to be more herself as she took risks to save the ones she loved. Plus, her boyfriend is Four. I don't think I have to say anything more about that reason! As for a particular scene...hmm...okay I would choose the zip-lining scene or a romantic/intimate scene with Four but I feel like that one is a given. 


  1. Great choice!
    Tris is a great character and even though she goes through a lot, it would be fun to be Divergent/Dauntless for a day. Plus, Four.
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

    1. I would be Divergent/Dauntless any day minus the whole being taken over by a special serum to destroy all the other factions. I know right?

  2. I chose Tris too. She's one of my favorites.
    New bloglovin' follower :)

    Joana @ The Boundless Book List

    1. Easily one of mine too. To go from being submissive her whole life and then taking the huge risk of choosing Dauntless. She had a strong head on her shoulders the whole time, and instead of letting her fears control her she used them as fuel to prove to herself that she could overpower them. Thank you for following and welcome!

  3. Sounds awesome and sweet! Do check out my FF:

    Old Follower

  4. Heehee! Nice! Especially if Four looks like Theo James! Swoon!! But yeah, I definitely want to try ziplining now! Or have for awhile, but have yet to find somewhere to do it! We have a place nearby but it's pricey for just a 1 day go at it!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know right?!?! I have a fear of heights as well as my harness breaking, so that's why I have never gone before. Well...and the fact that I don't think there is anywhere near me that has ziplining...But since I read and watched Divergent I've been like I NEED to go try it. I have heard that it does get pricey, and sometimes the price doesn't match up with the quality of the ziplining experience.

      Thank you!

  5. I love the relationship between Four and Tris:) I wouldn't want to be in Tris' shoes, but it would be nice to fight like her:) Awesome post!

    1. Gosh I know! He's so protective, but he still knows that she is fully capable of protecting herself. There's some parts that I wouldn't want to be in Tris' shoes, but then there are other parts where I would definitely be comfortable and chill being in her position. Thank you!

  6. OMG, and here I haven't read the Divergent trilogy yet.....SO many books, and SO little know how it is! But now that you've mentioned this guy named "Four", I will move "Divergent" to the top of my list! Gotta find out more!! VERY nice choice!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!! : )

    1. WHAT?! Girl, you need to get on that! I know what you mean about there being so many books to read though, but maybe nudge Divergent up closer to the top of your list. hahaha! Thank you!


    2. Thanks, Meredith! I will DEFINITELY give "Divergent" that much-needed nudge!! : )

    3. Let me know what you think of it when you do read it!!

  7. Oooh, good choice! I love the scene you chose! I'm too much of a chicken to pick a scene that involves heights though O.O
    Ruby @ Ruby's Books
    New Follower

    1. It's kind of funny, but I have a fear of heights. When I read the scene though in the book I thought about how cool/fun it would be to actually go ziplining.

      Thanks for the follow :)

  8. Happy Feature Follow Friday!! New follower

    1. Thanks you too! I hope you have fun reading everybody's posts :) Thank you for following!

  9. Another great character! I love all of the tough characters being chosen.

    Jessi, The Book Cove

    1. Me too! It's bringing to light how there are a lot of strong characters being created to inspire and motivate others.
