
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Snark and Circumstance Series Book Blitz, Review, and Giveaway!

Swoon Romance YA Wednesdays: Snark and Circumstance series by Stephanie Wardrop Book Blitz with Giveaway #ReadSwoonRepeat

Welcome to this week’s
Swoon Romance YA Wednesdays!
This week features the
Snark and Circumstance series by Stephanie Wardrop!
Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!
One superior smirk from Michael Endicott convinces sixteen-year-old Georgia Barrett that the Devil wears Polo. His family may have founded the postcard-perfect New England town they live in, but Georgia’s not impressed. Even if he is smart, good looking, and can return Georgia’s barbs as deftly as he returns serves on his family’s tennis courts. After all, if Michael actually thinks she refuses to participate in lab dissections just to mess with his grade, he’s a little too sure that he’s the center of the universe. Could there be more to Michael Endicott than smirks and sarcasm? If Georgia can cut the snark long enough, she just might find out.
Snark and Circumstance is the first title in the Snark and Circumstance series of young adult romance novellas from Stephanie Wardrop.
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Review for Snark and Circumstance:

I received an e-ARC copy to review, but in no way does that impact my opinion. 

Snark and Circumstance is literally dripping in sarcasm which I LOVE. I am a very sarcastic person. I can't stand up in front of a crowd of people and start cracking jokes. I have a real dry sense of humor, so I was able to easily relate to the main character Georgia. 

The book was a lot shorter than I expected, so I flew through it within an hour maybe an hour and a half. The style of writing is simple. As far as how much the novel correlated with Jane Austen's version...I can't give you an honest opinion. I have not read her version, so I wouldn't know the differences nor the similarities. All I know was that there wasn't a page that I didn't laugh out loud...literally.

Snark and Circumstance was a pleasant surprise and a fresh breath of air. We all get caught up in these stand alones and series that have so much depth and detail that we almost forget to enjoy ourselves. Ask anyone who works in the writing department for comedy and they will most likely say that writing comedy is hard. I believe that Stephanie was able to write this novel without making it seem like she forced the sarcasm. I can't wait to read the rest of the series! 

Where do you draw the line with books that try to be funny or sarcastic? (Let me know in the comments!)

Sixteen-year-old Georgia Barrett is no expert on guys, but her bio-class partner is harder to dissect than anything in their lab tray. He’s smart, almost as sarcastic as she is, and cute in that preppie way. Things are great . . . until he decides her vegan activism is ridiculous and suddenly can’t refuse a date with her fast enough. So why does he show up at her door, interested in learning how to make tofu ricotta? And why does he seem so upset that a senior hottie has taken an interest in her? Could he be interested in Georgia after all?
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Georgia can’t figure out why the burden of a Y chromosome seems to make guys so hard to understand. First, there’s the handsome but slippery Jeremy Wrentham. After Georgia shared some pretty devastating kisses with him, she found her way home and he found her sister!
And then there’s Michael Endicott, who never fails to let her know that her family’s quirkiness lies too far outside the pale for this preppie townie. But if he really feels that way, why is he in Georgia’s kitchen, asking her out? And why don’t boys come with instruction manuals?
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Georgia Barrett is beginning to realize that her arch-preppie lab partner, Michael Endicott, is not at all the snob-hole she once thought. Too bad Georgia doesn’t see him for who he really is until he starts dating a poised and polished senior.
Georgia knows she should settle for his friendship, especially since telling him how she really feels would mean risking losing him altogether. But her heart tells her a chance at love might just be worth dropping her trusty shield of snark. And Georgia’s determined to find out.
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Happily-ever-after isn’t as happy or forever as Jane Austen makes it look. Just something Georgia Barrett learns when her sharp tongue costs her the only guy she’s ever really cared about: Michael Endicott.
Determined to move on, Georgia lands the lead role in the school’s fall musical. But to survive on stage, she’ll need to learn to express herself without her protective shield of snark. She soon discovers being honest with others means being honest with herself, and the truth is she’s still in love with Michael.
But from the looks of Michael’s new girlfriend, Georgia isn’t the only one who tried to move on. Apparently, some people are just better at it than others. And when Michael and his girlfriend join the cast of the fall musical, Georgia finds out that snark and stage fright are the least of her worries…
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Stephanie Wardrop
Stephanie Wardrop grew up in Reading, Pennsylvania where she started writing stories when she ran out of books to read. She’s always wanted to be a writer, except during the brief period of her childhood in which piracy seemed like the most enticing career option—and if she had known then that there actually were “girl” pirates way back when, things might have turned out very differently. She currently teaches writing and literature at Western New England University and lives in a town not unlike the setting of Snark and Circumstance with her husband, two kids, and five cats. With a book out—finally—she might be hitting the high seas any day now.
Connect with the Author:  Website | Twitter| Goodreads
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