
Friday, May 29, 2015

Feature and Follow (#1)

Happy Friday everyone!

Parajunkee and Allison Can Read are the two hosts of Feature and Follow. The goal of the Feature and Follow is to meet new bloggers in the world of book blogging and earn some new followers :)

The awesome thing about this feature is that when you follow me I will follow you, and vice versa.  Let me know if you followed by Email or Bloglovin down in the comments! One last thing, make sure you leave your link so I can come visit :) I look forward to reading all of your blogs!

This Week's Question Is...

How many books do you have on your TBR list? Question was asked by Obsessive Compulsive Reader

Hmm should I tell the truth or...? Alright. Guys. I have a confession to make. According to my Goodreads TBR shelf, I have *drum-roll please* a grand total of 459 books. However, with that being said I probably have over 500 since I have a lot of books on my physical bookshelf that I haven't taken the time to add to Goodreads. 

I really need to go through my Goodreads list, especially, and see which books I am actually still interested in reading some day and which ones that need to go. Do I see spring cleaning in my future?


  1. Woah! That is a lot of books! Although imagine how sweet that will be when you finish reading all of them:)

    1. That feeling would be amazing to experience. I will never deny that! I think it's time though that I part with some of them, so I can have a more...attainable TBR list!

  2. My FF:

    New Follower

  3. I've managed to get mine down to 181, but I keep adding new ones!

    Here's my F&F Friday

    New follower on Bloglovin'

    Claire @ Book Blog Bird

    1. Way to go! I love watching my TBR list shrink. I don't think it's sad to say, but adding new books to our lists will be something we just need to accept lol :) Thank you!

  4. Wow! My goodreads told me I had 164 but that includes a few I don't own that were marked for contest purposes. Otherwise I don't mark a book as to read until I own it.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know :/ It's gotten out of hand. My problem is that I'll read a book and really enjoy it. So then I'll add basically every book in the series or written by the author. There's a bunch of Harlen Coben books on that list that I will probably never read in the near future.

      That's an extremely smart and organized idea! 164 books to read is a lot less stressful than 459+ books. You know what, I think today will be the day I actually cut down my TBR list on Goodreads!

      Thank you for stopping by and welcome back :)

  5. Good luck in going through your TBR list! I've been meaning to do the same as well, but I just get lazy every time I'm going to start.

    New follower via Google+
    Fathomless Reveries

    1. Thanks! I'll need it! Exactly! I start going through it, and after the first page or so I'm over it. Thank you!

  6. Goodreads TBRs are crazy. Mine is at 573. But oh wait...I just added another book this morning. :)
    New Bloglovin follwer
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

    1. Tell me about it! It's kind of funny how unknowingly fast that number can increase. Thank you!

  7. After seeing what everyone's been saying today, I'm thinking that I need to reorganize and prioritize my TBR.

    My FF:

    1. I know right?! I ran out of time today, but I know when I get around to doing it I'll feel less stressed. Thank you for the follow and stopping by :)

  8. I have just given up on ever shrinking my TBR list too many bigs and so little time!!

    New follower via bloglovin and email!

    1. Cleaning up the TBR lists can be a daunting task. I won't deny that nor the fact about how there's so little time! Thank you!

  9. With so many amazing books out there it is completely understandable. My physical TBR pile is currently at 148. I hope to get it under 100 by the end of summer. Fingers crossed!

    My FF!

    New Bloglovin' follower!

    1. My exact thoughts. It's a shame that time is not on our sides so we can read all of them! You can do it! Just don't try to add any books to the list until after summer ends :)

      Thank you for the follow and stopping by!

  10. I really need to clean out all of my shelves on Goodreads, especially my TBR! I tried to earlier today, but quickly grew overwhelmed! :)

    New Bloglovin' follower! :)

    1. It feels so good after you do it though! I started in the afternoon yesterday cleaning it up, but I quickly grew discouraged so I stopped. Then later in the evening I decided I needed to get it done now or it would never get done. I feel so much lighter!

      Thank you!

  11. I don't have quite as many as you, but i'm getting up there. It's impossible to keep the number low when new, great books are coming out all the time! I should probably go through my list too and cull it down a bit.

    New follower!
    My FF!

    1. I finally went through my list last night, and I was able to cut my list down from 459 to 186. I was amazed by the duplicates (different editions of books), books that I don't even remember adding, and books that I know I will never read. I think there might be a few more I could get rid of, but I'm super happy having that number below 200 now :)

      Thank you!

  12. Don't feel too bad. I've got over 1000, and I keep buying more like an idiot. LOL! New follower.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress' FF

    1. I don't look at buying more books as an idiotic idea, but as providing more food for thought for my brain. That way I don't feel as bad when I buy books :) Thank you!

  13. Well, at least you have a lot to choose from. XD

    Thank you for following. Following back via Bloglovin.

    1. I am a girl who loves having variety!

      Thank you for following too!
