
Monday, March 23, 2015

What Will I Be Reading This Week? 3/23/15 - 3/29/15

Last week was an epic fail with reading for me. I did finish The Secret of Raven Point by Jennifer Vanderbees. Let's see if this week can be better!

Over Spring Break I was able to begin The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Basically, the novel is about an author, who has written 12 novels, telling someone else her 13th tale about her own personal life that includes family secrets and such. I'm about 120 pages into the novel, and I'm just getting to the point where the author begins to reveal some secrets. 

After I finish The Secret of Raven Point I'll be picking up The Soul Thief by Majanka Verstraete. Can we just take a moment for that summary? The typical car crash is there, yes, but what about all the girls dying mysteriously? I definitely want to find out what is going on in that department. 

Last but certainly not least is Material Girls by Elaine Dimopoulos. This one caught my attention, because it centers around the fashion industry, an industry that we find ourselves constantly wrapped up in, and basically calls us out for being lured in to the "cult" of fashion. I thought it was a unique twist to the novels out there for young adults. 

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I am able to get through these this week! Let me know what all of you will be reading this week! 


  1. I've heard great things about Material Girls so I am very curious to see what you think of it! The Thirteenth Tale, I know I've read it but can't remember much about it, haha. Enjoy these! This week I am reading Crimson Bound!

    1. I have actually just started reading Material girls last night, and I can't seem to put it down! It has a really interesting take on what the fashion industry could be like in the future. The Thirteenth Tale has been a bit slow for me, but I'm hoping as I get further into the back story it will become more interesting. I have been hearing a lot about Crimson Bound lately, so I'm thinking about checking it out soon. I hope you enjoy it!
