
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a segment created by Jill at Breaking the Spine in order to share excitement for books that are about to be published.

Publishing Date: 24 March 2015

According to Goodreads:

Abram and Juliette know each other. They’ve lived down the street from each other their whole lives. But they don’t really know each other—at least, not until Juliette’s mom and Abram’s dad have a torrid affair that culminates in a deadly car crash. Sharing the same subdivision is uncomfortable, to say the least. They don’t speak.

Fast-forward to the neighborhood pharmacy, a few months later. Abram decides to say hello. Then he decides to invite her to Taco Bell. To her surprise as well as his, she agrees. And the real love story begins.

Publishing Date: 24 March 2015

According to Goodreads:

The Walls Around Us is a ghostly story of suspense told in two voices—one still living and one long dead. On the outside, there’s Violet, an eighteen-year-old dancer days away from the life of her dreams when something threatens to expose the shocking truth of her achievement. On the inside, within the walls of a girls’ juvenile detention center, there’s Amber, locked up for so long she can’t imagine freedom. Tying these two worlds together is Orianna, who holds the key to unlocking all the girls’ darkest mysteries.

We hear Amber’s story and Violet’s, and through them Orianna’s, first from one angle, then from another, until gradually we begin to get the whole picture—which is not necessarily the one that either Amber or Violet wants us to see.

Nova Ren Suma tells a supernatural tale of guilt and innocence, and what happens when one is mistaken for the other.

Which books are you excited to be released this month? Let me know down in the comments!


  1. Nice! Those are new to me ones! But I did see the second one at another WoW today! Hope you enjoy them both!

    Here's my Wow

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I'm excited for both of them! They just seem like they will be refreshing reads from what I am reading now. I read an interview with Jay Clark, and it made me want to read his novel even more. He was so funny and witty! Thanks for stopping by!
