
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Servants of the Storm Review

Servants of the Storm

Author: Delilah S. Dawson
Average Rating: 3.76/5.0
Personal Rating: 5.0/5.0
Page Count: 384
Finished Reading: February
Published: 5th August 2014

According to Goodreads:

A year ago Hurricane Josephine swept through Savannah, Georgia, leaving behind nothing but death and destruction — and taking the life of Dovey's best friend, Carly. Since that night, Dovey has been in a medicated haze, numb to everything around her.

But recently she's started to believe she's seeing things that can't be real ... including Carly at their favorite cafe. Determined to learn the truth, Dovey stops taking her pills. And the world that opens up to her is unlike anything she could have imagined.

As Dovey slips deeper into the shadowy corners of Savannah — where the dark and horrifying secrets lurk — she learns that the storm that destroyed her city and stole her friend was much more than a force of nature. And now the sinister beings truly responsible are out to finish what they started.

Dovey's running out of time and torn between two paths. Will she trust her childhood friend Baker, who can't see the threatening darkness but promises to never give up on Dovey and Carly? Or will she plot with the sexy stranger, Isaac, who offers all the answers — for a price? Soon Dovey realizes that the danger closing in has little to do with Carly ... and everything to do with Dovey herself.

My opinion:

I absolutely loved this book. The novel starts out during hurricane Josephine, and then skips right to a year after the hurricane and the death of Carly. For the rest of the novel, the reader follows Dovey as she figures out what is really going on after the hurricane after she sees a glimpse of Carly...even though Carly is supposed to be dead. Say what? Along the way she meets Isaac, who is connected to the dark activities that have been happening since the hurricane. And yes, Isaac is swoon worthy so don't even bother to ask. 

I loved how Dawson incorporated New Orleans folklore, and some of the tourist-y activities of small towns like the ghost ride tours. I would definitely label the book paranormal with a stronger focus on zombie-like characteristics rather than ghosts. Dawson tied in the sharp increase in crime after a natural disaster by disguising the evilness as creatures that resemble demons and their slaves. She disguised theft, prostitution, and violence by giving them a character to portray the characteristics. 

I highly recommend Servants of the Storm. It's definitely not a romantic chic-flic that, let's just be honest with each other, can get a little old after a while. The novel incorporates paranormal aspects, and is narrated by a teenage girl who does not want to be messed with. Also, the ending is a complete twist. I can usually tell how a book will play out, but I NEVER saw the ending to this one. The shock sent my heart racing, and I found myself going no no no no no no get the point? 

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