
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell

Hi everyone! Isn't this snow crazy?! And to think this is supposed to be my spring break. The thirteenth book is Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell. I'm guilty of judging this book by its cover. By looking at this book I thought this novel would be spooky and creepy. However, as I began to read it I was devastated because it seemed like all the story was two best friends getting in fights because of some boy. But then. BUT THEN. The story finally got good, and the plot finally started to build rapidly to the climax. The suspense. Ohhh the suspense was killing me! Ha-ha sorry got caught up in the moment :) Anyway, the story ended up being beautifully written, and a complete success in my opinion. 

About the Author:

  • Wife and mother to two children
  • Screenwriter for 15 years for a couple different series of short films
  • Considered an expert on the topic of folklore and urban legends

Awards/Nominations for Shadowed Summer:
  • Won the The Society of Midland Authors Book Award for Children's Fiction in 2010
  • Nominated for the Edgar Award in 2010

What You Would Find in this Book:

  • controlling best friend
  • mild young love
  • suspense :)
  • family secret
  • small town (where everything travels fast)
  • gossipy townspeople


Four out of five stars 
  • the climax is what got me to give Shadowed Summer four stars instead of three

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