
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a great spring break, or if it's next week I hope you will have lots of fun! If it is next week, you're not alone because mine's next week as well. The long awaited tenth book is Insurgent by Veronica Roth. I absolutely loved this book, and the trilogy! All though I am not too please that I have to wait till OCTOBER to read the last book. Sorry. Just had to vent about that a little. Anyway, the book is beautifully written and AHHHHH. I'm honestly speechless. Towards the end, my heart was breaking because I truly thought that Tobias and Tris were over, but then they didn't and cue happy dance and the words OHHHH MYYYY GOOSSSSH! Insurgent was definitely suspenseful, and I couldn't stop turning the pages. I was sort of intimidated by the size of the book, because I have been crazy busy with little time dedicated for reading that I thought I would never get through this book. I would give this book a five out of  five! Definitely one of my favorites, and will be going out and purchasing a copy for myself to keep forever! I hope you enjoyed, and if you have read Insurgent, Divergent, or just want to vent about having to wait till OCTOBER to read the final installment feel free to leave a comment below :)

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